Summer is just around the corner and vacation plans are in full swing. For those of you who have dogs, the planning can get complicated. Should you take your precious pooch with you or is it best to leave your dog(s) at home?

If your vacation plans are not suited for taking your dog along, there are three basic options for pet care:

1. Ask your family or friends to take care of your dog while you are gone.
2. Hire a pet sitter.
3. Board your dog at a boarding kennel or veterinary clinic.

Do you have family members or friends that live close by? Would they be willing and happy to come over at least twice a day to care for your dog? If so, this option may work well for you. Your dog remains in a familiar environment and will most likely know the person caring for them.

A pet sitter can provide a range of services. These can be daily visits for feeding and walking your dog to full-time pet care including staying at your home while you are gone. If this option feels right for you and your dog, make sure to take the time to explore professional pet sitters and get referrals from friends and your veterinarian.

If your dog is ill or recovering from an injury, boarding at a veterinary clinic affords your dog medical attention if needed. If you have a healthy dog, you should check with the staff as to how much time your dog will be out of his/her enclosure and whether there will be interaction and play with other dogs while boarding. Read More...